<< Numbers 2 >>
Geneva Study Bible

2:2 {a} Every man of the children of Israel shall pitch by his own standard, with the ensign of their father's house: far off about the tabernacle of the congregation shall they pitch.

(a) In the twelve tribes were four principle standards, so that every three tribes had their standard.

2:5 And those that do pitch next unto him [shall be] the tribe {b} of Issachar: and Nethaneel the son of Zuar [shall be] captain of the children of Issachar.

(b) Judah, Issachar and Zebulun the sons of Leah were of the first standard.

2:9 All that were numbered in the {c} camp of Judah [were] an hundred thousand and fourscore thousand and six thousand and four hundred, throughout their armies. These shall first set forth.

(c) Of those who were contained under that name.

2:10 On the south side [shall be] the standard of the camp {d} of Reuben according to their armies: and the captain of the children of Reuben [shall be] Elizur the son of Shedeur.

(d) Reuben and Simeon, the sons of Leah, and Gad, the son of Zilpah her maid, were of the second standard.

2:17 Then the tabernacle of the congregation shall set forward with the camp of the Levites in the {e} midst of the camp: as they encamp, so shall they set forward, every man in his place by their standards.

(e) Because it might be an equal distance from each one, and all indifferently have recourse to it.

2:18 {f} On the west side [shall be] the standard of the camp of Ephraim according to their armies: and the captain of the sons of Ephraim [shall be] Elishama the son of Ammihud.

(f) Because Ephraim and Manasseh took the place of Joseph their father, they are taken as Rachel's children, so they and Benjamin make the third standard.

2:25 The standard of the camp of {g} Dan [shall be] on the north side by their armies: and the captain of the children of Dan [shall be] Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai.

(g) Dan and Naphtali the sons of Bilhah Rachel's maid with Asher the son of Zilpah make the fourth standard.

2:32 These [are] {h} those which were numbered of the children of Israel by the house of their fathers: all those that were numbered of the camps throughout their hosts [were] six hundred thousand and three thousand and five hundred and fifty.

(h) Which were of twenty years and above.

2:34 And the children of Israel did according to all that the LORD commanded Moses: so they pitched by their {i} standards, and so they set forward, every one after their families, according to the house of their fathers.

(i) For under every one of the four principal standards, were various signs to keep every band.

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