<< Leviticus 22 >>
Geneva Study Bible

22:2 Speak unto Aaron and to his sons, that they {a} separate themselves from the holy things of the children of Israel, and that they profane not my holy name [in those things] which they hallow unto me: I [am] the LORD.

(a) Meaning, that the priests abstain from eating, as long as they are polluted.

22:3 Say unto them, Whosoever [he be] of all your seed among your generations, that {b} goeth unto the holy things, which the children of Israel hallow unto the LORD, having his uncleanness upon him, that soul shall be cut off from my presence: I [am] the LORD.

(b) To eat of it.

22:4 What man soever of the seed of Aaron [is] a leper, or hath a running issue; he shall not eat of the holy things, until he be clean. And whoso toucheth any thing [that is] {c} unclean [by] the dead, or a man whose seed goeth from him;

(c) By touching any dead thing, or being at burial of the dead.

22:10 There shall no {d} stranger eat [of] the holy thing: a {e} sojourner of the priest, or an hired servant, shall not eat [of] the holy thing.

(d) Which is not of the tribe of Levi.

(e) Some read, the servant who had his ear bored, and would not go free, Ex 21:6.

22:12 If the priest's daughter also be [married] unto a {f} stranger, she may not eat of an offering of the holy things.

(f) Who is not of the priests kindred.

22:14 And if a man eat [of] the holy thing unwittingly, then he shall put the {g} fifth [part] thereof unto it, and shall give [it] unto the priest with the holy thing.

(g) He shall give that and a fifth part over.

22:16 Or suffer them to bear the iniquity of {h} trespass, when they eat their holy things: for I the LORD do sanctify them.

(h) For if they did not offer sacrifice for their error, the people by their example might commit the same offence.

22:25 Neither {i} from a stranger's hand shall ye offer the bread of your God of any of these; because their corruption [is] in them, [and] blemishes [be] in them: they shall not be accepted for you.

(i) You shall not receive any imperfect thing from a stranger, to make it the Lord's offering: which he calls the bread of the Lord.

22:32 Neither shall ye {k} profane my holy name; but I will be hallowed among the children of Israel: I [am] the LORD which hallow you,

(k) For whoever does otherwise than God commands pollutes his Name.

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