<< Joshua 19 >>
Geneva Study Bible

19:1 And the second lot came forth to Simeon, [even] for the tribe of the children of Simeon according to their families: and their inheritance was {a} within the inheritance of the children of Judah.

(a) According to Jacob's prophecy that he would be scattered among the other tribes.

19:9 Out of the portion of the children of Judah [was] the inheritance of the children of Simeon: for the part of the children of Judah was too {b} much for them: therefore the children of Simeon had their inheritance within the inheritance of them.

(b) But this large portion was given them by God's providence to declare their increase in time to come.

19:11 And their border went up {c} toward the sea, and Maralah, and reached to Dabbasheth, and reached to the river that [is] before Jokneam;

(c) Or, westward, toward the great sea.

19:15 And Kattath, and Nahallal, and Shimron, and Idalah, and {d} Bethlehem: twelve cities with their villages.

(d) There was another Bethlehem in the tribe of Judah.

19:21 And Remeth, and {e} Engannim, and Enhaddah, and Bethpazzez;

(e) There was another city of this name in the tribe of Judah: for in various tribes certain cities had the same name, and were distinguished by the tribe only.

19:27 And turneth toward the sunrising to Bethdagon, and reacheth to {f} Zebulun, and to the valley of Jiphthahel toward the north side of Bethemek, and Neiel, and goeth out to Cabul on the left hand,

(f) Joins to the tribe of Zebulun, which lay more to the east.

19:29 And [then] the coast turneth to Ramah, and to the strong city {g} Tyre; and the coast turneth to Hosah; and the outgoings thereof are at the sea from the coast to Achzib:

(g) Which was Zoar, a strong city at the sea.

19:33 And their coast was from {h} Heleph, from Allon to Zaanannim, and Adami, Nekeb, and Jabneel, unto Lakum; and the outgoings thereof were at Jordan:

(h) These cities were in the country of Zaanannim.

19:35 And the fenced cities [are] Ziddim, Zer, and Hammath, Rakkath, and {i} Chinnereth,

(i) Of which the lake of Gennesaret had its name.

19:46 And Mejarkon, and Rakkon, with the border before {k} Japho.

(k) Called Joppa.

19:47 And the coast of the children of Dan went out [too little] for them: therefore the children of Dan went up to {l} fight against Leshem, and took it, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and possessed it, and dwelt therein, and called Leshem, Dan, after the name of Dan their father.

(l) According as Jacob had prophesied in Ge 49:17.

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